Scientific work and publications

Together with Tilia Stingl, there is an ongoing exchange and continuous development of scientific contributions and publications in the in-house think tank.

On the one hand, the joint research work produces methods that achieve the desired effect in complex systems in a modern way by reflecting on one’s own practical consulting work. On the other hand, theoretical developments and concepts of understanding are created, which build bridges between cybernetics, systems theory and other fields of research such as artificial intelligence.

Enclosed are currently available links and titles:

  • 2023: Beyond, Within, and Around: Exploring the Boundaries of Organizational Systems. Co-author: Tilia Stingl de Vasconcelos. Presentation at Luhmann Conference 2023. Environments. Observed with social systems theory, Dubrovnik, Croatia

  • 2022: Social Systems Theory Contributions to the Art of Taking Responsibility. Co-author: Tilia Stingl de Vasconcelos. Conference contribution and presentation at Luhmann Conference 2022. Scientific communication. Observed with social systems theory, Dubrovnik, Croatia 

  • 2021: Interpersonal Tensions within Organizations – A Systemic Approach for Personal Development. Co-author: Tilia Stingl de Vasconcelos, Sessions’ Best Paper of the 12th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2021. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 19, Number 3 (ISSN: 1690-4524) Pg. 66-72 (Link )

  • 2020: Second-Order Management – How Second-Order Concepts Contribute to Solutions within Complex Environments. Co-author: Tilia Stingl de Vasconcelos, Sessions’ Best Paper of the IIIS 2020 Conference – the 24nd World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2020. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 18, Number 6 (ISSN: 1690-4524) Pg. 59-65 (Link )

  • 2020: Constructive Dialogs – Systemic Interdependencies of Associating and Disassociating Communication. Co-author: Tilia Stingl de Vasconcelos, Special Issue of the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 18, Number 7 (ISSN: 1690-4524) Pg. 25-30 (Link )

  • 2020: Corona – das Unberechenbare bewältigen. Von Philipp Belcredi, Die Furche, 14.05.2020 (Link )
  • 2019: Solution-Focused Consultancy Work. Practice-Oriented Application of Distinction-Based Concepts. Integrating Context Factors for Resilient Solutions. Co-author: T. Stingl de Vasconcelos, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 17, Number 5 (ISSN: 1690-4524) Pg. 99-105 (Link )
  • 2019: Distinction-Based Consulting and Decisions – Social Systems Theory and Second-Order Cybernetics as Premise for Powerful Decisions. Co-author: T. Stingl de Vasconcelos, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 17, Number 5 (ISSN: 1690-4524) Pg. 42-48 (Link )
  • 2019: Nós, humanos, amamos os nossos problemas, todavia são as soluções que nos libertam. In Revista Brasileira die Filosofia, Pensamento e Prática das Constelações Sistêmicas, Editora Conexão Sistêmica, São Paulo (S.68-77)
  • 2018: Lösungsfokussiert von der Zielfindung bis zur Umsetzung. In Matthias Varga v. Kibéd, Insa Sparrer, Elisabeth Ferrari (Hrsg.), Workshops mit SySt gestalten (S.97-101). Aachen: Ferrari Media
  • 2018: Arbeit mit einer unspezifischen Veränderung. In Matthias Varga v. Kibéd, Insa Sparrer, Elisabeth Ferrari (Hrsg.), Workshops mit SySt gestalten(S.37-42). Aachen: Ferrari Media
  • 2018: Großgruppenprozess: den Weg zum Ziel selbst gestalten. In Matthias Varga v. Kibéd, Insa Sparrer, Elisabeth Ferrari (Hrsg.), Workshops mit SySt gestalten(S. 57-63). Aachen: Ferrari Media
  • 2018: Angst in sozialen Systemen – Verständnisgrundlagen, Phänomene und ein Lösungsansatz. Europäisches Forum Alpbach – Schlussbericht vom Forum AlpbachRe:think Austria-9.6.2018, (S. 32-41)
  • 2016: Is my teddy-bear alive? Interview mit Nora Bateson. Systemischer,9/2016, Thema Leben, (S. 68-74)
  • 2012: Die Freiheit und die Wirtschaft oder die Freiheit in der Wirtschaft. In Globart (Hrsg.), Im Sinne der Freiheit, (S. 61-63). Wien: Ambra Verlag SpringerWienNewYork